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Today, August 7, 2022, the Diocesan Council meeting was held at the Head office of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Shyogwe Diocese.

The meeting was chaired by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jered KALIMBA, Bishop & Legal Representative of Shyogwe Diocese, and made decisions aimed at further developing the church. Today I wanted you to know the powers and responsibilities of the Diocesan Council (CD) in EAR, Shyogwe Diocese.Img 0005

The Diocesan Council is the Executive Council of the Diocesan Synod. It is in charge of: implementing the decisions and recommendations of the Diocesan Synod; making recommendations to the Diocesan Synod for decisions that should be taken for the interest of the Organization; submitting to the Diocesan Synod for approval the financial reports and the reports on how the assets of the Organization were managed for the last period, and examining the activity reports of lower structural levels and make appropriate decisions and/or recommendations. The Diocesan Council has the power to make urgent decisions in the interest of the ministry in the Diocese and report the matter to the next Diocesan Synod.  

The Diocesan Council holds its ordinary meeting once a year. Nevertheless, it can hold extraordinary meetings anytime the interest of the Diocese requires doing so and upon the approval of the Diocesan Bishop. The session begins when at least two-thirds (2/3) of the participants are present.

Members of the Diocesan Council are in two categories: Those who, by function, are automatically members, and those who are either elected or invited by the Diocesan Bishop. Those who are members by function are: the Diocesan Bishop; two Assistant Legal Representatives (a layman and a pastor); all Archdeacons; Head of Services; a representative of Pastors in each of the archdeaconries; the Diocesan Treasurer; all Canons in service; a delegate of catechists in the Diocese; a delegate of youth in the Diocese; the President of Mothers’ Union in the Diocese; the President of Fathers Union; and the Diocesan Secretary.

Those who are either elected or invited by the Diocesan Bishop are: One lay delegate elected in each Archdeaconry; two (2) people invited by the Bishop. Note that the powers and the role of the Diocesan Council are clearly defined by the statutes of the Diocese.Img 0003

Ven. SEHORANA Joseph
Archdeacon of Hanika &
Diocesan Chancellor

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